MSc web page

In General. The postgraduate course “MSc in Therapeutic Exercise” fills the need for advanced postgraduate training of Health Science graduates in the field of Therapeutic Exercise. Therapeutic Exercise constitutes a well-evidenced therapeutic intervention in Physiotherapy (World Confederation for Physical Therapy 2011) and, generally in Health Sciences, with applications on the whole spectrum of pathological conditions and special population groups, while being in a close relationship with other health rehabilitation sciences as well as the society as a whole.

Aim. The Postgraduate Course aims at the acquisition of specialized scientific background so that health scientists can broaden their experience and scientific knowledge on patient rehabilitation approaches based on scientifically documented programs and therapeutic exercise interventions. The benefits not only concern the rehabilitation of pathological conditions and injuries, but also have significant importance in prevention. Additionally, the Postgraduate Course aims at multidisciplinary education and training of health scientists in the domain of Therapeutic Exercise.

Duration – general structure. The Postgraduate course has an extremely interesting curriculum organized into three academic terms; one and a half year length (90 ECTS). The first year includes two basic subjects concerning the conduct of research (Research Methods in Health Sciences and Postgraduate Research Planning) and 6 topics aiming at contemporary scientific notification and documentation on issues of therapeutic exercise (Therapeutic Exercise Prescription, Applied Biomechanics for Therapeutic Exercise, Therapeutic Exercise – Spinal Manipulative Physiotherapy, Advanced Sports Physiotherapy, Therapeutic Interventions in Neurorehabilitation and Special Issues in Exercise and Rehabilitation). The second year (only one term) is devoted to the conduction of the research dissertation.

Students. Accepted for registration are: physiotherapy graduates from Physiotherapy Departments of University or Higher Technological Education Institutions and other allied-health graduates of Greek or foreign recognized universities and Higher Technological Education Institutions. The maximum number of graduate students for enrollment each year is thirty (30).

Fees. This MSc’s registration fees are 2,700 Euros in total, paid in three equal installments of 900 Euros at the beginning of each semester.

Modular Programme. All modules are compulsory, and they are distributed as follows;

Code ECTS 1st Semester

  Compulsory Modules

MTE-101 6 Research Methods in Health Sciences
MTE -102 8 Applied Biomechanics for Therapeutic Exercise
MTE -103 8 Therapeutic Exercise Prescription
MTE -104 8 Therapeutic Exercise – Spinal Manipulative Therapy
Total 30
2nd Semester

  Compulsory Modules

MTE -201 6 Postgraduate Research Planning
MTE -202 8 Advanced Sports Physiotherapy
MTE-203 8 Therapeutic Interventions in Neurorehabilitation
MTE-204 8 Special Issues in Exercise and Rehabilitation
Total 30
3rd Semester
MTE-301 30 Postgraduate Dissertation
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Intro video (in Greek)

Contact Information

Contact Person: Samartzi Artemis
Tel: +30 2610 962403